A New Kind of Service Dog

Goldendoodles make good service dogs and good therapy dogs. Goldendoodles re a mix of poodle and Golden Retriever. That means they’re smart and highly trainable, like poodles, and friendly and even-tempered like Golden Retrievers.

The combination results in a good dog for service or therapy use. A 6-year-old Goldendoodle named Ollie has been showing just how good in a new program at a San Diego hospital as part of the PetSmart Paws for Hope Canine Therapy Program.

Ollie, along with 14 other dogs, accompanies and comforts kids who are scared to get their COVID-19 vaccines.

Paws for Hope

Ironically, the Paws for Hope program was paused for the pandemic last year. It was revived just a few months ago.

Ollie watches for signs of distress in kids waiting for their vaccines. When he sees someone who could use a helping law, he goes to them and sits at their feet. Putting a paw on a leg or allowing them to pet him, he brings a sense of comfort to the kids and makes them laugh.

Distracting the kids from their anxiety about the shots is enough to make the experience easier.

Do you need a Goldendoodles in your life? Platinum Goldendoodles has healthy Goldendoodles ready for their forever homes!