Do you catch yourself asking the question, “Is a goldendoodle puppy right for me?”
Well, let’s see how you feel about Goldendoodle puppies after reading..
Maybe these questions will help you decide!
1) From the instant they are born they are terrifying!!! So scary, right? I mean look at those sweet little noses and cuddly babies!

2) They are terrible with small children! They are so mean and terrifying ! Haha, I hope you can hear the sarcasm in this post!

3) Goldendoodle are so BORING! They have no personality! They just lay around and do nothing… NOT. This is Cooper, he thinks he is a HUMAN.

After reading and realizing how goldendoodle puppies are the best dogs on the planet…. (OK, we may be partial) Let the girls at Platinum Goldies hook you up with the perfect puppy to fit into you life. We have a variety of colors from red, cream, white, apricot, and black. We have mini’s, mediums’, and standard sized puppies too. I hope you enjoyed reading! Have a doodle-rific day!